Dr Andrew Jan


This trial aims to investigate ear acupuncture either with needles or a piezoelectric device as adjunct with standard analgesia care versus standard analgesia care alone. In this trial, there are two acupuncture treatment groups (either tiny ear needles or electrical acupuncture stimulation) and a third comparison group. All groups will receive our usual high standard pain treatment. The group who receive needles will have them in place for 2 hours and on completion of the trial they will be removed. The second acupuncture group will have electrical acupuncture stimulation. Electrical-acupuncture uses a ‘piezoelectric device’, which delivers a very safe electrical discharge near your ear, which sounds like a pen clicking.
RECRUITMENT: Recruitment finished on the 27th of August 2019. Thanks for all those who participated. Data analysis has been completed.
TRIAL RESULTS: The trial results have been published. The abstract and link to the article are placed on the Publications page of this website.
DATA SHARING: Deidentified data for the purpose of a meta-analysis will be shared under certain conditions. Researchers, please go to the Data Sharing page.
CONTACT: To contact Professor Jan, please go to the Contact page.